Monday, January 9, 2012

I need help naming this character?

She's a very clever five year old. Blonde, blue eyes, curly hair and very pretty. She dresses like a princess would in the 17th/18th century. She's very lady-like. But she isn't a sweet little angel. She's a lot like the girl out of the film "Orphan" or Damien out of "The Omen"... She was born in 1988, but she chooses to dress like she's in the wrong era. To others around her (that are also quite evil) she's quite a normal little girl. But to others she's the complete opposite. So basically I need a name to match her appearances and her characteristics. I can imagine her having an old fashioned name. Any Ideas? I was thinking of names like Dorothy or Victoria. The middle name is Thora.

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